I would like you all to meet my new friend, Ruby. Here she is, modeling one of the scarflettes I have been working on.
I have known for a long time I needed to get a mannequin, but I could not make up my mind on what kind I wanted. I knew I wanted a French mannequin, but went back and forth on what color and style; I really like those little spindle thingies at the top of some of them, and I really like black. But I kept telling myself the white was more practical. Then I found Ruby, who is black, but came with an extra white cover (she is wearing it in the photo above.)
I love her, in spite of the fact she is a tiny size 2, and even though she has already scared the life out of me. I had forgotten she was here, and when I went back into the studio after supper, I though she was a burglar or a monster or something lurking in the corner. At least David got a good laugh out of that!
Ruby, modeling another design from the Scarflette set (without her white cover).
Very cool! You got a dress form! Ruby is doing a lovely "modeling" job! :)
I also got a good laugh out of the Ruby in the corner. :)
Why do you call her Ruby?
Ruby is a beaut! I need one of those badly!!! :)
What a handy thing to have!
Ann, you always seem to crack me up. I love coming here and reading your stories. Everytime I come and read your posts, it puts a smile on my face. I am soooo glad that you found Ruby and she is part of your life. Just don't forget and shoot her or something.
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