But today I am going to make up for all the missed May Day baskets in my past by giving all of you this sweet and easy little basket (at least the pattern for it).

If you enjoy this pattern, I hope you will check out all of my other free patterns:
So, there you have the prizes. Now, here are the rules. Since I am a "keep it simple, stupid," kind of person, let's keep it simple, shall we?
1: Okay, here is what you do; leave me a comment telling me which of the doilies in the book you like best, and your email address (so I can notify you if you win.) UPDATE: Ravelry or Etsy id's are okay, too. Just so I have a way to contact you.
2: Follow my blog, and you get another entry (leave another comment saying "I follow your blog" so I don't have to look to see.)
3: Heart my etsy shop at bellacrochet.etsy.com and get another entry (leave another comment saying "I heart your Etsy shop.")
4: The contest will end at midnight, on Thursday, April 30, and I will announce the winner on May Day (May 1st). I will ship the prizes out by priority mail no later than Monday, May 4th. (UPDATE NOTE: the winner will be chosen at random by a drawing; I will print out all the comments, cut them apart and put them all in a hat or a crochet basket or something, then draw. Not high tech, but it should work!)
5: Unfortunately, this is going to be a pretty big box, so this contest is only open to residents of the U. S. As an alternative, if you live outside the U. S. and would like to enter, I can offer you your choice of any 6 patterns from my Etsy shop, to be sent to you as pdf downloads in email attachments as a prize. Not as cool as a basket full of thread, I know, but for now that is the best I can do.
That's it! Please bear in mind that I am new at this, so if I have forgotten anything I will fix it as soon I can. I have always enjoyed giving presents more than receiving them (well, I really like to receive them, too) so this is going to be great fun for me. I plan to have other giveaways, at least once a month, so please check back often. Tell your friends, and good luck!!!