Hooray, the day we all have waited for is here at last! (Well, at least I have been waiting for it.)
I am having my very first giveaway! I am giving away a copy of my newest book published by DRG Publishing (Annie's Attic) "Vintage Floral Doilies." I am very proud of it, I think it turned out quite nicely. And to go with it, I am also giving away 12 balls of size 10 crochet thread in colors that are used in some of the doilies in the book (some of them are kind of hard to find, like the Sky Blue shaded thread that is used in the Swan doily and the Camel that is used in the baskets) and a Boye size 7 crochet hook, which is what I used to make all the doilies in the book. And to hold it all, I am adding a very special Spring Time Crochet Basket. Okay, it is really an Easter basket, but I think it is the perfect thing to carry around one of these doilies as you are working on it; say you want to go sit outside and crochet on a lovely spring day. Well, you can put all your supplies in this little basket and you are good to go!
Here is the book and the doilies that are in it:

Front Cover

May Baskets and Pineapples Doily

Serene Swans Doily
(my personal favorite)
Sweet Southern Belle Doily

Flirty Fan Doily

Springtime Floral Doily
(here is a bit of trivia for you; the working title of the book was "Springtime Floral Doilies." It was decided that title might be too limiting so "Vintage" was used in place of "Springtime"- TMI?)
Butterfly Garden Doily

May Basket Doily

Here is the leaning tower of crochet thread.

Baby Pink, French Rose and Shaded Pinks- a pink lover's overload!

Mint Green and Lt. Green from Elmore Pisgah. Yes, I am giving away a ball of my precious Lt. Green thread. See how much I love you?

Peach is great for the Southern Belle's arms. And I love to use this camel for baskets.

I like Boyes...tee hee. Really, I would be lost without my size 7 Boye hook. I think it is perfect for working with size 10 cotton.

Spring Time Crochet Basket
So, there you have the prizes. Now, here are the rules. Since I am a "keep it simple, stupid," kind of person, let's keep it simple, shall we?
1: Okay, here is what you do; leave me a comment telling me which of the doilies in the book you like best, and your email address (so I can notify you if you win.) UPDATE: Ravelry or Etsy id's are okay, too. Just so I have a way to contact you.
2: Follow my blog, and you get another entry (leave another comment saying "I follow your blog" so I don't have to look to see.)
3: Heart my etsy shop at bellacrochet.etsy.com and get another entry (leave another comment saying "I heart your Etsy shop.")
4: The contest will end at midnight, on Thursday, April 30, and I will announce the winner on May Day (May 1st). I will ship the prizes out by priority mail no later than Monday, May 4th. (UPDATE NOTE: the winner will be chosen at random by a drawing; I will print out all the comments, cut them apart and put them all in a hat or a crochet basket or something, then draw. Not high tech, but it should work!)
5: Unfortunately, this is going to be a pretty big box, so this contest is only open to residents of the U. S. As an alternative, if you live outside the U. S. and would like to enter, I can offer you your choice of any 6 patterns from my Etsy shop, to be sent to you as pdf downloads in email attachments as a prize. Not as cool as a basket full of thread, I know, but for now that is the best I can do.
That's it! Please bear in mind that I am new at this, so if I have forgotten anything I will fix it as soon I can. I have always enjoyed giving presents more than receiving them (well, I really like to receive them, too) so this is going to be great fun for me. I plan to have other giveaways, at least once a month, so please check back often. Tell your friends, and good luck!!!
My favorite is Butterfly Garden. Beautiful book!
Chrissy at knittodayAThotmailDOTcom
I hearted you on Etsy
I am also following you now.
Ravelry ID: deedeevuu
(for if I win) [crossing fingers]
My favorite is Sweet southern belle doily in the book. Best book ever~! all of the designs are all beautiful, Great book~! ~ Vicki mashburn
The butterfly garden is my favorite. My daughter would love that one, she adores butterflies. (she is three)
I hearted you on Esty
I am also following you now
The Flirty Fan is my favorite. I've had my eye on this book! I follow your blog.
THis is the most awesome possum crochet giveaway EVER!!!! Gosh I REALLY HOPE I win! I would even crochet one of your doilies if I did win! LOL! Your patterns are just beautiful! What an extremely talented gal you are! :)
I follow your blog! :) Count me in again! Yay!!!
I so totally <3 (heart) your Etsy Shop!!! :)
Oh my ... the Springtime Floral Doily is absolutely a work of art. My favourite!
withasigh at netscape dot ca
(In Canada)
I heart you on Etsy!
Not only am I following your blog, but it's so beautiful - I love the vintage flavour - it's the first one on my Blogroll!
They are all gorgeous, but I think May Baskets and Pineapples is my favorite.
I follow your blog and I heart your Etsy shop.
I love the butterfly garden doily:)
I follow:)
I love the Butterfly Garden Doily
I am now a follower :)
I HEART your Shop
tanyainjville AT yahoo DOT com
My favorite is the serene swans that I have made and it has already sold. I also like the Crinoline Lady which I made but in different colors,, it also has sold. Love all your patterns.
I also signed up to follow your blog.
I thought I had hearted your shop a long time ago, but had put it in my favorites on the explorer, so I hearted it now.
Great giveaway, and here is my e-mail
I really like the fan doily but all your work is beautiful.
This is an absolutely beautiful book!! I love doing delicate work with multiple colors. My favorite is May Basket because I love pink roses. Here is my email hsbabies@yahoo.com!! Thanks again for your beautiful designs!!
I am definately going to follow your blog!! It is so exciting to say I am getting to know a true artist!!
I heart your shop and can't wait to make my first purchase!!
My Fav is Butterfly Garden Doily, thank you so much for this amazing giveaway!!!
I'm you follewer now (how counldn't I????)
OMG! Ann, what an awesome giveaway! It's so difficult to choose one all your patterns are absolutely gorgeous, however my very favorite would be the Butterfly Garden.
I'm a follower of your blog!
Ann, I've hearted your Etsy shop sometime ago.
Springtime doily is my favorite, I am following your blog and hearted your shop and my email is gwengoods@gmail.com
Thank you!
The flirty fan is my favorite. It just draws me in! They are all quite beautiful, but that one is my favorite.
I follow your blog :-)
I think I hearted your etsy shop. I clicked, so I must have! :-)
My favorite is the Springtime Floral Doily. Very beautiful with all those colorful flowers!
Do I need to follow you using Blogger's follow feature? or can I just follow using RSS feeds (my preference)?
I heart your Etsy shop :).
My favorite is Springtime Floral Doily. Your patterns are gorgeous!
I follow your blog!
I also heart your Etsy shop!
Only one favorite? I have two! I love the Springtime Floral and the Butterfly Garden.
I hearted you!
My favorite is Butterfly Garden. There are several others in the book that I like, too. I am following you and have hearted you on Etsy.
My favorite is the Sweet Southern Belle. I have never seen a doily that looked anything like that before!
rnredner at gmail dot com
These are wonderful! Difficult to choose but will say I love Spring Time Floral doily
I follow your blog now :)
I heart your etsy shop
The Springtime Floral Doily is my very favorite. I love it. My niece has recently just started crocheting. She has collected doilies since she was a little girl. She gets one every year for her birthday, christmas, easter, or just because we find one she would like. She would love this basket full of goodies. Especially the book. I would love to win and regift it to her. Thanks for the chance.
I am a new follower, Thanks!
itsjustmerene2003 at yahoo dot com
The Springtime Floral Doily is absolutely stunning! It's my fave by far. :)
sierrapelonacrochet AT yahoo DOT com
I hearted your Etsy shop a while ago. :)
sierrapelonacrochet AT yahoo DOT com
I have bookmarked your blog (I don't know it that counts as following, I don't use Blogger).
sierrapelonacrochet AT yahoo DOT com
My favorite doily is the Flirty Fan.
Ravelry id: sdeatrick
I am now following your blog.
My ravelry name is sdeatrick
I have "hearted" your etsy shop (as squambo)
My ravelry id is sdeatrick
Hope I win!
I love the flirty fan and the butterfly garden doily all of the doilies are so beautiful and I am going to have to get that book I love crocheting doilies
I am now following your blog
I hearted your esty store
I'm so glad I found you, Ann! Your work is so beautiful and fine. The fan is definitely my favorite. Count me in, please. http://debbiesfiberwork.blogspot.com
I've added myself as a follower, Ann.
I've added your etsy shop to my favorites.
My favorite - Serene Swans Doily.
I follow your blog.
I heart your Etsy shop.
I love the Springtime Floral Doily! How lovely. So sad that I can't win the crochet cotton. If only they were actual balls without the cardboard insert!
Thanks for the giveaway. mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca
So hard to pick!! I think the Springtime Floral Doily, I love crocheting flowers! I have not made dollies in a few years and this basket would get me started again!
I follow your blog
nor_lou at hotmail.com
I like the Springtime doily
delaney55 @ myway.com
I am following you
delaney55 @ myway.com
Ann, My favorite is the May Baskets and Pineapples Doily. Although it was very hard to decide because I love them all.
Diana at dmitchx4@verizon.net
I hearted your shop a long time ago. Don't know if that counts.
Diana at dmitchx4@verizon.net
I am a follower of your wonderful blog.
Diana at dmitchx4@verizon.net
Hi ann~! Forgot my email when entering contest, vickm57@yahoo.com Thanks for having a Great contest~! hope to Win~! (-:)
The Serene Swans Doily caught my eye,
It's perfect for me, I like swans, that's why!
I visit them often in a nearby lake,
The doily is precious, and that's what I'd make....
My grandma crocheted, and it's quite a surprise,
To talk of my grandma, My hair's white I realize,
The time glides by just like the swans tell....
Beauty is fleeting, but the doilies save it well.
Your work is angel work, awesome!
The butterfly doily is beautiful! And I could picture it being used in so many different ways!
Lor: daddysprincess4always@msn.com
I love the butterfly garden doily
My fave would have to be the Southern Belle. She looks like an adult version of Sunbonnet Sue, to me.
Thank you for the chance to win such an awesome prize package!
I'd rather not post my e-mail so publicly, there for I leave you with my Ravelry ID: KJo
I hope that's alright!
I am following you now. I like the basket with flowers th e best!!
hood22ATgmailDOT com
I love them all but my favorite doily is the Butterfly Garden. Well, the Sweet Southern Belle is a very close second. :)
I hearted you on Etsy after Mom (donnascrochetnook) sent me to look at your patterns. Wonderful stuff!
Now I'm following your blog. I love how your patterns are clearly written. No guess work involved.
I Love the patterns! Sweet Southern Belle is my favorite. I'm very excited about the contest and I will most certainly be following your blog.
I hearted you on Etsy
I think all your doilies are beautiful...but if I can only pick one, then I choose the May Basket Doily. The roses are so pretty and I love pineapple anything! Please enter me into your drawing. :)
I also signed up to follow your blog.
You can reach me on Ravelry as KnittingBelle.
Thank you for the chance to win such a wonderful prize.
My favorite is the Springtime Floral Doily.
persephone1025 on Ravelry
I follow your blog.
I Heart your etsy shop
I love the May Basket Doily
I have several favorites: Sweet Southern Belle, Springtime Floral, May Basket and the Butterfly Garden. You have the prettiest designs! I am going to make the May Day Basket. So cute.
My email is msloyola at gmailDOTcom
I follow your blog, hearted you on etsy and am excited at the chance of winning. Thanks for such a great giveaway!
My etsy id is Craftissima
My Ravelry id is michelleloyola
Okay, the serene swans is too damn cute!!!
Ksidwell on Rav
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