I get lots of questions about how to become a crochet designer. While I cannot speak for all designers, I can tell you a little about the process I use to come up with my own designs.
Every design starts with an idea, and that idea can come from anywhere, from a old movie to a children's coloring book to an interesting stitch pattern I want to try. When I get an idea, I write it down in my design notebook (I have 4 notebooks full of ideas right now, and I need to pick up a new one!)
For a while it was a trendy thing for designers to say a design "just fell off my hook." Meaning that they just sat down and started playing around with their hook and thread and a wonderful design developed.
That has never been the case with me. I have to first 'see' a design clearly in my mind. Only then will I know where to begin and how to proceed. And the best way I have found to help me visualize a design is to draw a sketch of it.
Here are a few of the sketches I did for some of my doilies, and I am sure you will agree that I am lucky that I can crochet better than I draw:
A sketch for Harvest Moon (look at that poor cat's ears!) |
The finished Harvest Moon Doily |
Sketch for Woodland Fairy |
Finished Woodland Fairy; as you can see I made some changes from the sketch |
Sketch for my new doily, the Snow Queen |
Finished Snow Queen. The pattern will be available in the middle of January 2011. |
Every designer has a different process for developing their designs. But this is where all of mine start, with a simple sketch.
Beautiful eye... a true yarn artisan!
thank you so much for posting this. your very creative. I am thinking about doing a week on designing on my blog with tips, how to's and other stuff. I have not set a date yet however I would love it if you would be a guest blogger for me, where you can talk about your designing and give tips to future designers. please contact me at mariecozycorner.blogspot.com
I am also a new follower. :)
That Snow Queen is gorgeous.
I am one of those who have an idea then pick up my hook and see if I can make what I am thinking. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.
I wish I were one who could right stuff down . . most of the time I even forget to write the patterns out as I go, then I never get them done.
Very interesting to see how others design, you're very talented! Thanks for sharing. :)
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