Friday, August 20, 2010

Double, Double, Toil and Trouble!

Here is the 7th of my Lovely Ladies Doilies. It is called "Double, Double, Toil and Trouble."

It should be available in about a month. It has been really fun to work on. I hope you like it!


PAOLA said...

Ciao, il tuo ultimo lavoro è
"very beautiful".........
Un saluto

jonamc said...

I can't wait!

Typstatting said...

How cute are they all ready for Halloween!!!!

Faith said...

lovely as usual...these are "good witches" arn't they? Newsletter great! Thank should be a hit. Looking forward to the next issue.

sandy said...

Sooooooooo cute!

DaCraftyLady said...

just beautiful...I love it...