My "Lacy Reader's Wrap" is on page 46. I am giving away 4 skeins of Caron's Simply Soft yarn in Soft Pink; more than enough for you to make this lovely wrap. Well, I guess you can use the yarn to make something else if you really want to, there are lots of other cool projects in the book.

I am also giving away some tapestry needles and a set of pink hooks (well, they are kind of "pinkish"). And do not fear, my beloved threadies, I am also giving away a size 7 steel hook. Because you can never have too many hooks.
And 4 balls of America's Best size 10 crochet thread in Baby Pink.

Leave me a comment telling me what YOUR favorite color is. And please make sure I have a way to contact you if you win; an email address or your Blogger, Etsy or Ravelry ID will be fine.
Want a second entry? Follow my blog and leave me a SECOND comment saying "I follow your blog." If you already do follow my blog, that counts, too.
For a third entry, go to my Etsy shop at bellacrochet.etsy.com and add me to your favorite shops. If you have already done this, that counts too. Leave me a THIRD comment saying "I heart your Etsy shop."
The contest will run for a week, and end at midnight on October 14, 2009. I will draw a winner from all the entries and notify the winner on Oct. 15th. I will ship out the package no later than the 16th.
Due to the high cost of postage, this contest is open only to residents of the U.S.
Thanks everyone, and good luck!
Hi Beth!! Well, my favorite color is pink! It always has been, but it became more important after I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2005. I am still cancer free as of today!!! I salute your giveaway for Breast Cancer Awareness, I am excited to enter your contest!!! I also follow you blog, I love your Lovely Lady Doilies!! I have also "Hearted" your Etsy shop, which I visit often. Well gotta go get dinner ready!!! Thank you for your lovely give away!!
Anne!!! (RaggedyKisses@gmail.com)
Hi again!!! I follow you blog!!!
Me again, I Heart Your Esty Shop too!!!!
Hello! My favorite color has been green as long as I can remember. I like to garden, maybe that has something to do with it. :)Pink is pretty too though.
I follow your blog :)
I heart your shop too
Pink is a favorite color of mine!Nice give away..I'm already a follower of yours!
PINK is my favorite color also .. Thanks so much for this awesome giveaway
I follow
I already Heart your shop !!
Etsy :starryeyed24
(no worries if entries from far away are not really up for entering the contest, but I did want to tell you...)
my very favorite color is peacock blue!!! the very special kind of blue with a hint of green in it, the very deep blue that has no name or even real copy in anything but nature of the peacock...
I am a fan of peacocks because the feathers are so full of magic...
pink is a color that came to me with the birth of my daughter Sarah - before then I thought I hated it, now I love it
and breastcancer awareness is so very important, I really value your contest to help this cause...
like all, I know young moms who have to deal with this monster, and I hope every bit helps someone!
your pink package is so lovely that I couldn't resist responding
thanks for sharing this beautiful blog, I look up to your crochet talent!
oh, and:
I follow your blog!
have been since I saw your most wonderful witch pattern...
Hi ann~! Well My favorite color is pink on crocheting things that are pretty~!
Hi again~! *Second ***I follow your blog*** :-)
Hi Again Ann~! ***Third*** I Heart your Etsy Shop~! :-)
My favorite color is orange! But, my daughter's favorite is pink and almost everything my little granddaughter wears is pink! (BTW, I have a New Jersey mailing address.)
I follow your blog.
I heart your Etsy shop. (And it's been in my Etsy favorites for a while now.)
Hi Ann,
My favorite color is red and has always been. I look best in red clothing and it is so bright and cheery to me. Thank you for helping bring awareness to breast cancer.
Hi Ann,
I've been following your blog for awhile now.
Hi Ann, yes, me again! I have been hearting your Etsy shop for a long time.
Tonni - FIRST - my favorite color is PURPLE!!!
traton97 at hotmail.com
Tonni - SECOND - I've been following your blog for some time now (and your work at Annie's Attic)!
traton97 at hotmail.com
Tonni - THIRD - I heart your Etsy shop! And will have birthday money to spend there soon...woo hoo!
traton97 at hotmail.com
good luck to all the contestants!
too bad I live outside the USA.
(and, no, pink is not my favourite colour!) :)
Hi, I just saw those pineapples and butterflies and fell in love with them. Superb patterns. My favorite color for doilies however, is off white....ecru...:)
I love ur blog.
Right now my favorite color is Aqua. However, I'm looking at doing a lot of crafts in pink, since I am expecting my first grandchild, a girl. Please enter me in your give-away. I just found your blog today and have already purchased 3 of your patterns. I am so thrilled I found you ! ! My e-mail address for the give-away is lwiford@columbus.rr.com. Thank You.
My favorite color is blue, but I also love pink, and brown! I just discovered you today on Ravelry, and here you are with a contest! :)
Rav ID: kathfemme
I also heart your Etsy shop, which I did today before I found out about the contest!
Rav ID: kathfemme
My favorite color is yellow. And I love your blog.
and now I'm following our blog. I will also be adding you to my blog!
Hi, there. I would have to say that my favorite color is "peach"!
I started following your blog last week!
I hearted your Etsy shop last week, also! My Etsy ID is Pixilated.
My favorite color is rusty orange. :-) But I like pink.
I follow your blog
You are in my favorite shops at etsy
Hi, Anne. My favorite color is green. I've just always loved how many different shades you can find and I love them all! Thanks for giving me a heads up about this contest.
Anne...I also follow your blog!
Anne...And I really, really do love your etsy shop. I just wish I had more money!! :)
purple is my fave color because it represents our Lord and Savor. sherri
I just discovered your blog and all I can say is WOW - love it. Green if by far my favorite color - anything green appeals to me!! a.haun@sbcglobal.net
Hi THERE! Actually...PINK is my favorite color! I am very much a girly girl and love pink and I have since I was a little girl.
P.S. I have been following you for a while! :)
Hi Ann! One of my favs is pink and variations of it, like dusty rose and burgundy.
This giveaway is awesome and you are wonderful to think of it. Thank you so much.
I heart your shop Ann.
I follow your great blog, Ann.
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