Today is a day of contemplation for me, as it is every year. A day of reflecting on my past, and looking forward to the future. I give thanks for my loved ones, for the happy life I lead now, and for the unbelieveable blessing of being able to crochet full time. I truly believe I have done some of my best designs ever this past year, and look forward to turning out as many new ones as possible in the next 12 months.
Many years ago, I came across a poem by Texas poet Karle Wilson Baker. I have always loved it, but in the last few years it has become very special to me. I would like to share it with you today:
Let Me Grow Lovely
Let me grow lovely, growing old;
So many fine things do.
Laces, and ivory, and gold,
And silks need not be new.
And there is healing in old trees;
Old streets a glamour hold.
Why may not I, as well as these
Grow lovely, growing old?
Karle Wilson Baker
Karle Wilson Baker
Lovely poem!
I assume it's your birthday?
thanks for sharing the poem, it's lovely!
ana Luisa
I can see why you like the poem! It is a good one :) I like how you decorated for Halloween!!!
I love the poem!
A little off topic, but I was wondering... Do you think your Harvest Moon Doily would work with number 3 thread? I can't work with number 10, and want to do the doily. I know it would be larger, but would it look as nice?
I love it because it gives me a more positive frame of mind, Crochethuahua, and that is always good!
Yes, Ana Luisa, it was my birthday, which always brings out the reflective side of me.
Thank you, Unique2who, I may be rushing it a little, but I was ready for a new look!
Thank you Cher. I have not tried making it with size 3, but I do not see any reason it would not work. Of course, as you say, it would be bigger, but the pattern should work just fine.
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