at last they are almost ready. I have been working on the Butterfly and Roses Pineapple doilies for the last few weeks
(actually for almost the last year!) and I almost have them ready.

Elegant Easter Cross. This was the first one I made in this set. It was going to be a single pattern, but I decided it needed more.

Angel Wings. Oh how I love the pink butterflies!

Sweetheart Pineapple Doily. Sweet and Simple.

Fantasy Fan Doily. Love the blue and white!

Fantasy Flowers Butterfly-I always wanted to make a doily shaped like a butterfly; this was the second one I made in this set.

Cameo Butterfly Doily. I really think this is my most favorite of them all.

Butterfly in the Roses Doily. This is not part of the set, it will be the free gift pattern with purchase of the ebook.

This is something I have wanted to do for a long time. I used as many different colors of varigated and shaded thread as I could in one doily. Do you think it is too busy? I was afraid it might be, so I also made it with a white background
(above). Same pattern, just different colors of background.
I think I need to re-photo the last two on a different color- you can barely see the butterfly's body (it is black-can you see it in there?)
I have the patterns written, but here is where I need some help. I have decided that from now on, all my patterns will be tested by experienced crocheters before I put them up for sale. I have two very talented ladies who have already agreed to test some of my patterns for me, but I would like to find at least couple of more. I need crocheters who have at least Intermediate level crochet skills. I would prefer someone who is familiar with my patterns and my writing style.
I will not expect anyone to fix my patterns, just report back to me in the event you find a mistake or if anything is not clear to you. The finished doily will be yours to keep and do what you wish with. I do ask that all testers live in the United States, since shipping costs overseas are so high.
If you think you would be interested in testing some of my patterns, you can contact me at:
bellacrochet.info@yahoo.com for more information. Just think; here is your chance to help rid the world of pattern errors and tell a designer "Hey dummy, you messed up!" But please be kind; errors in my patterns really have been known to reduce me to tears!
Update from Ann: Thank you so much to everyone who has volunteered to test my patterns! I now have enough testers for this set, but I appreciate the offers from each and every one of you! Hopefully, this will make my patterns much more enjoyable for you to crochet.