I love old Workbasket magazines. They are absolute treasure troves of wonderful old patterns, recipes, and gardening tips. Last summer, I bought a box full of them off ebay. I got almost a complete set ranging from 1950 to 1959. What a wonderful glimpse into the past they give! I wish I had the time to sit down and just read them all from cover to cover. As it is, I take them out at odd moments and flip through them, stopping to read whatever catches my fancy; "Oh look, an article on over-wintering geraniums;" "Hey, here is a really cool little crocheted potholder;" and "I wonder if this recipe for spiced apple cake is the same one my Aunt Eunie used to make?"
Anyway, last weekend I got them out and started flipping through them. I was looking for crochet patterns when this page caught my eye:

I am so glad they mentioned crochet, even if it is buried in the text. And I love the phrase "improve each shining hour." The next time one of my kids calls and asks me "What are you doing?" (even though they know I will answer the same way I always do - "Crocheting!") I am going to tell them, "I am improving each shining hour by making something lovely."
I am sure they won't be a bit surprised; they already think I am nuts.
I love Work Basket, too. I have some from the 1940's at my summer lake house.
It's great isn't it? The "home arts" are making a comeback...(Though to me they never went out of style)! ;)
Hope you;re having a great day!
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