I try to keep my designs current and up to date, but sometimes it is hard to know just what will be the next big trend (like cowls and shrugs.) I have a few ideas I have been playing around with, and I would like to ask your opinion on them.
First, is a new scarf idea. Skinny scarves have been very popular lately, so I thought why not go all out and make the skinniest scarf in the world? I call this my 'Uber-Super Duper Skinny Scarf':

Of course, it is not really very warm, but that is easily remedied. Just make it really long, and wrap it multiple times around your neck:
This example is about 15' long.
And of course, Fingerless Gloves have been extremely popular for a while now. I thought about doing some toe-less socks, but found that people are already making them and calling them yoga socks. So, I came up with this idea:
Glove-less Finger Covers. I think I will make a little matching bag to carry them all in when you are not wearing them. What do you think?
And then, being a threadie, I am always looking for ways to use thread in my designs, even the wearables. Since I also love vintage, I thought, why not use a beautiful old doily as a bridal veil? Can't you just see a bride wearing something like this?
Just imagine this attached to a lacy hat trimmed with delicate flowers!
What do you think the groom would think if he saw his bride coming down the aisle wearing this?
But it might be a bit much for everyday wear, so I tried placing it like this:
Doesn't it give her an air of mystery?
And for fun, you can place it even lower, and you have a cute but elegant crocheted beard, like the ones that were so popular last winter.
Well, there you have them. I would love to hear what you think about these ideas; which one do you think I should release first?
Oh, and I forgot to mention, the most important thing you should know about these designs is:
April Fool!!!!!!!