I am such a crochet nerd; I get all excited when I get some new thread, and I order old patterns off of Ebay that I know I will never make. I drive David crazy by pointing out afghans and doilies in the old western movies he loves to watch, and I will drive 50 miles for a ball of Royale size 10, #0424 Lt. Peach if I have to.
So, it will probably come as no surprise that I am a crochet designer "groupie," (for lack of a better word.) I love my favorite designers and I collect their patterns the way I once collected David Cassidy records (at least I don't have posters of them on my bedroom wall!)
I have a short list of my all time favorites: Annie Potter, Esther Parnell Hewlett, JoAnn Maxwell, and the superstar of the crochet world: Elizabeth Hiddleson. I don't know a lot about her personal life. She had many designs published in Workbasket Magazine in the 50's where she was often refered to as "Miss Elizabeth Hiddleson." I have heard stories that she was a hermit and lived alone out in the desert in California; that she became so wealthy from selling her patterns that she bought houses for all her children. Who knows what is fact and what is fiction? I do know she was a prolific and extremely talented designer. Her doilies are still popular today, and with good reason. They are simply beautiful.
Her patterns can sometimes be a little hard to understand. She relied heavily on the photos that accompanied her doilies, and the phrases "watch the picture," and "continue by picture," are used often. She sometimes sounds like a mother in the wording of many of her patterns (the following are quotes taken directly from Volume 10 of her designs):
"Rnd 22: (this may not sound right, but do as stated)...."
"Rnd 1: ch 3 for dc, I will not keep repeating this, just remember when rnd starts with dc to ch 3 for 1st one....."
Some of her abbreviations are a little hard to understand, too. What the heck is a "prr," (I think it means previous row/rnd) and what does "sl st in top of 3 ch bgr" mean? (I believe this means "sl st in top of the ch-3 at the beginning of the round") The first time I made one of her doilies, it took me three days to figure out that "rf*" meant to "repeat from *"
What a dummy I was! But sometimes when I have been struggling with my own patterns like I have been lately, it makes me laugh to read some of the old patterns, and see what they used to be like.

But the letter she included on page 32 of the book touched my heart, and I want to share it with you:
Whom I regard as unseen friends. I want to thank the many who sent greeting cards. I wish time would permit that I might reply separately to each of you, but the number is too great. Therefore, I hope you will accept the fact that each message is appreciated.
Also to the thousands who have written how very much they enjoy my creations in Crochet, I am most grateful. Of course I must make a living, but aside from the financial part of my business, it is a much more satisfactory life just knowing that through my creations I am providing pastime and enjoyment for others.
Again thank you each one.
Wow, Elizabeth, I couldn't agree more!!!!