Several years ago I designed a set of doilies for Annie's Attic called 'Vintage Floral Doilies.' The publishing rights have now reverted back to me, and I am now happy to make these patterns available to you for free. I will be adding the other doilies in the set though the coming months, so please check back for the others.
These are my original patterns, so they are written differently from the ones AA published, but they are the same designs.
Today, I have my Sweet Southern Belle for you. She is my version of a traditional Crinoline Lady; I hope you will enjoy her!
Skill Level: Experienced-- for those who are adept at working with size 10 thread and steel hooks, and who have an advanced knowledge of crochet
Size: 17 inches tall by 19 inches wide
Size 10 Cotton Thread:
200 yards Mint
Size 10 Cotton Thread:
200 yards Mint
100 yards Green
50 yards each Peach, Brown and Rose
7 (1.65 mm) Steel hook
For Shell, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in st or ch
sp indicated
For Double Shell, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc, ch
2, 2 dc) in st or ch sp indicated
For 3 dc
cluster, Yo, insert hook in st or ch sp indicated, yo, pull lp through, yo,
pull through 2 lps on hook, (yo, insert hook in same st or ch sp, yo, pull
through, yo, pull through 2 lps on hook) 2 times, yo, pull through all 4 lps on
For 2 dc cluster: Yo, insert hook in st or ch sp
indicated, yo, pull lp through, yo, pull through 2 lps on hook, yo, insert hook
in same st or ch sp, yo, pull lp through, yo, pull through 2 lps on hook, yo,
pull through all 3 lps on hook
To work “shell
in shell” work into the ch-2 sp at the center of the shell indicated
Bodice and Sleeves
Row 1: Starting at neck, with mint, ch 9, sc in second
ch from hook, sc in each ch across, turn. (8 sc made)
Row 2: Ch 7, tr in next st, (ch 3, tr in next st)
across, turn.
Row 3: Ch 3, 4 dc in next ch sp, dc in next st, 4 dc in
next ch sp, ch 1, (4 dc in next ch sp, dc in next st) 2 times, 4 dc in next ch
sp, ch 1, 4 dc in next ch sp, dc in next st, 5 dc in last ch sp, turn.
Row 4: (Ch 3, dc) in first st, dc in next 8 sts, 2 dc
in next st, ch 1, 2 dc in next st, dc in each of next 12 sts, 2 dc in next st,
ch 1, 2 dc in next st, dc in each of
next 8 sts, 2 dc in last st, turn.
Row 5: (Ch 3, dc) in first st, dc in next 10 sts, 2 dc
in next st, ch 1, 2 dc in next st, dc in each of next 14 sts, 2 dc in next st,
ch 1, 2 dc in next st, dc in each of next 10 sts, 2 dc in last st, turn. (46 dc,
2 ch-1 sps)
Row 6: Ch 2 (not worked in or counted as a stitch), skip first st, dc next 2 sts
tog, dc in each of next 10 sts, 2 dc in next st, ch 1, 2 dc in next st, dc in
next 16 sts, 2 dc in next st, ch 1, 2 dc in next st, dc in next 10 sts, dc last
3 sts tog, turn.
Row 7: For First Sleeve, ch 2, dc next 2 sts
tog, dc in each of next 7 sts, dc next 3
sts tog; leaving remaining sts unworked, turn.
Row 8: Ch 1, sc first 2 sts tog, (sc next 2 sts tog) 3
times, turn.
Row 9: (Ch 3, 2 dc) in first st, 3 dc in each of next 2
sts, 2 dc in last st. Fasten off. Do not turn. (11 dc)
Row 10: Join green with sc in first st, (ch 3, skip next
st, sc in next st) across. Fasten off.
Row 7: For Second Sleeve, skip next 20 sts and
next ch-1 sp, join mint with sl st in next st, ch 2, dc next 2 sts tog, dc in
each of next 7 sts, dc next 3 sts tog,
8-10: Repeat
Rows 8-10 of First Sleeve.
7: For Bodice
Waist, join mint with sl st in first unworked st on Row 6, ch 2, dc in next
17 sts, dc next 2 sts tog, turn.
8-10: Ch
2, dc in each st across to last 2 sts, dc last 2 sts tog, turn. (12 sts at
end of last row.
Row 1: (Ch 3, dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in first st, ch 3, skip
next 3 sts, shell (see Special Stitches) in next st, ch 3, skip
next 2 sts, shell in next st, ch 3, skip next 3 sts, shell in last st, turn.
Row 2: Ch 3, shell
in first shell (see Special
Stitches), (ch 3, 3 dc in next ch sp, ch 3, shell in next shell) across,
Row 3: Ch 3, shell in first shell, (ch 3, 2 dc in each
of next 3 dc, ch 3, shell in next shell) across, turn.
Row 4: Ch 3, shell in first shell, *ch 3, skip next ch
sp, (sc in next dc, ch 3) 6 times, shell in next shell; repeat from * across,
Row 5: Ch 3, double shell (see Special
Stitches) in first shell, *ch 3, skip next ch sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3)
5 times, double shell in next shell; repeat from * across, turn.
Row 6: Ch 3, shell in first ch-2 sp of double shell, ch
3, shell in next ch-2 sp of same double shell, *ch 3, skip next ch sp, (sc in
next ch sp, ch 3) 4 times, skip next ch sp, shell in first ch-2 sp of next
double shell, ch 3, shell in next ch-2
sp of double shell; repeat from * across, turn.
Row 7: Ch 3, shell in first shell, ch 3, 3 dc in next
ch sp, ch 3, shell in next shell, *ch 3, skip next ch sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch
3) 3 times, shell in next shell, ch 3, 3 dc in next ch sp, ch 3, shell in next
shell; repeat from * across, turn.
Row 8: Ch 3, shell in first shell, ch 3, 2 dc in each
of next 3 dc, ch 3, shell in next shell, *ch 3, skip next ch sp, (sc in next ch
sp, ch 3) 2 times, shell in next shell, ch 3, 2 dc in each of next 3 dc, ch 3,
shell in next shell; repeat from * across, turn.
Row 9: Ch 3, shell in first shell, ch 3, skip next ch
sp, (sc in next dc, ch 3) 6 times, shell
in next shell, *ch 3, skip next ch sp, sc in next ch sp, ch 3, shell in next
shell, ch 3, skip next ch sp, (sc in next dc, ch 3) 6 times, shell in next
shell; repeat from * across, turn.
Row 10: Ch 3, double shell in first shell, *ch 3, skip
next ch sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 5 times, shell in each of next 2 shells;
repeat from * 2 more times, ch 3, skip next ch sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 5
times, double shell in last shell, turn.
Row 11: Ch 3, shell in each ch sp on first double shell,
ch 3, skip next ch sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 4 times, *shell in each of next
2 shells, ch 3, skip next ch sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 4 times; repeat from
* 2 more times, skip next ch sp, shell in each of last 2 ch sps on last double
shell, turn.
Row 12: Ch 3, shell in first shell, ch 3, shell in next
shell, *ch 3, skip next ch sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 3 times, shell in next
shell, ch 3, shell in next shell; repeat from * across, turn.
Row 13: Ch 3, shell in first shell, ch 3, 3 dc in next
ch sp, ch 3, shell in next shell, *ch 3, skip next ch sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch
3) 2 times, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch 3, 3 dc in next ch sp, ch 3, shell in
next shell; repeat from * across, turn.
Row 14: Ch 3, shell in first shell, ch 3, skip next ch
sp, 2 dc in each of next 3 dc, ch 3, shell in next shell, *ch 3, skip next ch
sp, sc in next ch sp, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch 3, skip next ch sp, 2 dc in
each of next 3 dc, ch 3, shell in next shell; repeat from * across, turn.
Row 15: Ch 3, double shell in first shell, ch 3, skip
next ch sp, (sc in next dc, ch 3) 6 times, *shell in each of next 2 shells, ch
3, skip next ch sp, (sc in next dc, ch 3) 6 times; repeat from * 3 more times,
double shell in last shell, turn.
Row 16: Ch 3, shell in each ch sp on first double shell,
ch 3, skip next ch sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 5 times, *shell in each of next
2 shells, ch 3, skip next ch sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 5 times; repeat from
* 3 more times, shell in each of last 2 ch sps on last double shell, turn.
Row 17: Ch 3, shell in first shell, ch 3, shell in next
shell, *ch 3, skip next ch sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 4 times, shell in next
shell, ch 3, shell in next shell; repeat from * across, turn.
Row 18: Ch 3, shell in first shell, ch 3, 3 dc in next
ch sp, ch 3, shell in next shell, *ch 3, skip next ch sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch
3) 3 times, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch 3, 3 dc in next ch sp, ch 3, shell in
next shell; repeat from * across, turn.
Row 19: Ch 3, shell in first shell, ch 3, 2 dc in each
of next 3 dc, ch 3, shell in next shell, *ch 3, skip next ch sp, (sc in next ch
sp, ch 3) 2 times, shell in next shell, ch 3, 2 dc in each of next 3 dc, ch 3,
shell in next shell; repeat from * across, turn.
Row 20: Ch 3, shell in first shell, ch 3, 2 dc in each
of next 6 dc, ch 3, shell in next shell, *ch 3, skip next ch sp, sc in next ch
sp, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch 3, 2 dc in each of next 6 dc, ch 3, shell in
next shell; repeat from * across, turn.
Row 21: Ch 3, shell in first shell, *ch 3, dc in next
dc, (ch 1, dc in next dc) 11 times, ch 3, shell in each of next 2 shells;
repeat from * 4 more times, ch 3, dc in next dc, (ch 1, dc in next dc) 11
times, ch 3, shell in last shell, turn.
Row 22: Ch 3, shell in first shell, ch 3, skip next ch
sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 11 times, *shell in each of next 2 shells, ch 3,
skip next ch sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 11 times; repeat from * 4 more times,
shell in last shell, turn.
Row 23: Ch 3, shell in first shell, ch 3, skip next ch
sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 10 times, * shell in each of next 2 shells, ch 3,
skip next ch sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 10 times; repeat from * 4 more times,
shell in last shell, turn.
Row 24: Ch 3, shell in first shell, ch 3, skip next ch
sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 9 times, * shell in each of next 2 shells, ch 3,
skip next ch sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 9 times; repeat from * 4 more times,
shell in last shell, turn.
Row 25: Ch 3, shell in first shell, ch 3, skip next ch
sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 8 times, * shell in each of next 2 shells, ch 3,
skip next ch sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 8 times; repeat from * 4 more times,
shell in last shell, turn.
Row 26: Ch 3, shell in first shell, ch 3, skip next ch
sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 7times, * shell in each of next 2 shells, ch 3,
skip next ch sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 7 times; repeat from * 4 more times,
shell in last shell, turn.
Row 27: For First Pineapple, ch 3, shell in first
shell, ch 3, skip next ch sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 6 times, shell in next
shell; leaving remaining sts unworked, turn.
Row 28: Ch 3, shell in first shell, ch 3, skip next ch
sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 5 times, shell in next shell, turn.
Row 29: Ch 3, shell in first shell, ch 3, skip next ch
sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 4 times, shell in next shell, turn.
Row 30: Ch 3, shell in first shell, ch 3, skip next ch
sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 3 times, shell in next shell, turn.
Row 31: Ch 3, shell in first shell, ch 3, skip next ch
sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 2 times, shell in next shell, turn.
Row 32: Ch 3, shell in first shell, ch 3, skip next ch
sp, sc in next ch sp, ch 3, shell in next shell, turn.
Row 33: Ch 3, shell in each of next 2 shells, turn.
Row 34: Ch 3, 3
dc cluster (see Special Stitches) in
ch sp of each of next 2 shells, ch 3, sl st in last st of last shell. Fasten
Row 27: For Next Pineapple, join mint with sl st
between last worked shell and next unworked shell on Row 26, ch 3, shell in
first shell, ch 3, skip next ch sp, (sc in next ch sp, ch 3) 6 times, shell in
next shell; leaving remaining sts unworked, turn.
28-34: Repeat
Rows 28-34 of First Pineapple.
Next Pineapple 4 more times for a total of 6 Pineapples.
For Picot, (sc, ch 3, sc) in next ch-3 sp
For Picot, (sc, ch 3, sc) in next ch-3 sp
For Triple Picot, (sc, ch 5, sc, ch 7, sc, ch 5, sc) in
sp between clusters at end of each pineapple
Working around edge of Skirt in ch-3 sps and
worked sps of shells at end of rows, join
green with sc in same st first shell of Row 1 was worked in; ch 3, sc in
first shell, (ch 3, sc in next ch-3, ch 3, sc in next shell) 8 times, (ch 3, picot-see Note above-in next ch-3 sp, ch 3, sc in next
shell) 7 times, ch 3, picot in next ch-3 sp, ch 3, sc in end of row 34, ch 3, triple picot-see Note- in sp between clusters on
row 34, ch 3, sc in remaining end of Row 34, ch 3, sc in next shell, (ch 3,
picot in next ch-3 sp, ch 3, sc in next shell) 3 times, ch 3, *sc in sp between
shells, ch 3, picot in next ch-3 sp, ch 3, (sc in next shell, ch 3, picot in
next ch-3 sp) 3 times, ch 3, sc in end of row 34, ch 3, triple picot in next sp
between clusters, ch 3, sc in end of row 34, ch 3, sc in next shell, (ch 3,
picot in next ch-3 sp, ch 3, sc in next shell) 3 times, ch 3; repeat from * 4
more times, (picot in next ch-3 sp, ch 3, sc in next shell, ch 3) 4 times, sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3, (sc in next shell,
ch 3, sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3) 8 times, sc in end of first row, ch 3, sc in st
on Row 1 as last shell was worked in. Fasten off.
Row 1: With mint, ch 17, dc in 4th ch from
hook, dc in each ch across, turn. (15 dc
Rows 2-4: Ch 3, dc in each st across, turn.
Row 5: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn.
Row 6: Ch 4, dc in next st, (ch 1, dc in next st)
across, turn.
Rows 7 & 8: Ch 5, skip first ch sp,
dc in next st, (ch 2, skip next ch sp, dc in next st) across, turn.
Row 9: (Ch 3, dc) in first st, (ch 2, skip next ch sp,
2 dc in next st) across. Fasten off.
Row 10: Join
green with sc in first st, sc in next st, *(sc, ch 3, sc) in next ch sp,
sc in each of next 2 sts; repeat from * across. Fasten off.
Hat Band
With green, (ch 4, dc in 4th ch from
hook) 5 times. Fasten off.
With Rose, (ch 4, dc in 4th ch from
hook) 4 times, sl st between second and third dc, (ch 4, dc in 4th
ch from hook) 2 times, sl st in same st as last sl st, (ch 4, dc in 4th
ch from hook) 2 times. Fasten off.
(make 2)
Row 1: Beginning at hand, with peach, ch 4, 4 dc in 4th
ch from hook, turn. (5)
Row 2: Ch 3, dc in each st across, turn.
Row 3: Ch 2, dc in each of next 2 sts, dc last 2 sts
tog, turn. (3)
Row 4: Ch 3, dc in each st across, turn.
Row 5: (Ch 3, dc) in first st, dc in each st across,
turn. (4)
Rows 6 & 7: Ch 3, dc in each st
across, turn.
Row 8: (Ch 3, dc) in first st, dc in each st across,
turn. (5)
Row 9 - 12: Ch 3, dc in each st across, turn. At end
of last row, fasten off.
Row 1: With brown, ch 4, 6 dc in 4th ch from
hook, turn. (7 dc)
Row 2: (Ch 3, dc) in first st, 2 dc in each st across,
Row 3: (Ch 3, dc) in first st, dc in next st, (2 dc in
next st, dc in next st) across, turn.
Row 4: (Ch 3, dc) in first st, dc in each of next 2
sts, (2 dc in next st, dc in each of next 2 sts) across, turn.
Row 5: (Ch 3, dc) in first st, dc in each of next 3
sts, (2 dc in next st, dc in each of next 3 sts) across, turn.
For Handle, (ch 3, dc in 3rd
ch from hook) 12 times, sl st in first st of Row 5. Fasten off.
Rose (make
With rose, *ch 3, (dc, ch 3, sl st) in third ch
from hook; repeat from * 6 more times. (7
petals made)
Roll petals to form Rose. Glue base of petals to hold in place. Allow
to dry.
Leaves (make
With green, ch 4, 2 dc cluster (see Special
Stitches) in 4th ch from hook, ch 3, sl st in 3rd ch
from hook, ch 3, sl st in same ch first 2-dc cluster was worked in, ch 9, 2 dc
cluster in 4th ch from hook, ch 3, sl st in 3rd ch from
hook, ch 3, sl st in same ch last 2-dc cluster was worked in. Fasten off.
With Rose, (ch 4, dc in 4th ch from
hook) 4 times, sl st between second and third dc, (ch 4, dc in 4th
ch from hook) 2 times, sl st in same st as last sl st, (ch 4, dc in 4th
ch from hook) 2 times. Fasten off.
1: Place all pieces except
Roses and Leaves on a padded surface. Spray with starch. Arrange pieces as shown in photo, shape and
allow to dry.
2: Glue pieces together.
3: Arrange Roses and
Leaves in Basket, glue in place and allow to dry.
Special thanks go to E. J. Miller, Jolene Ortiz, Debbie Peters, Karen Misiunas and Jewel Fernley for testing these patterns.
Copyright BellaCrochet 2011. All rights reserved. Please do not redistribute or share this pattern; do not post it on any website. DO NOT make videos or tutorials of it for distribution on YouTube or any other site. You may share the link to the pattern only (and link shares are greatly appreciated, please tell your crocheting friends who might enjoy this pattern!)
This pattern has been tested for accuracy and clarity, and I can offer no additional information, photos or help with it.
If you have enjoyed this design, I hope you will check out my other free patterns:
Thanks so much for this gorgeous pattern! I added it to my Ravelry library for future reference. :)
Just letting you know I stopped by...have a great weekend
Just lovely! Thanks for sharing this beautiful pattern. Have a nice weekend. Judy
She's adorable. Thanks for sharing. I bought a download of More Vintage Doilies but I'm not sure if it was AA or not. It doesn't have this lady in it. I just finished the swan that goes in the center of a doily-not the one you recently shared.
Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful free pattern !
Thank you for sharing this. I'm looking forward to trying it.
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