Saturday, May 18, 2013

And the Winner Is:

Lauren LaFleur
Lauren, if you will send me an email  and let me know which pattern you would like, I will get it  right out to you. 

My daughter Amanda and I had several long discussions trying to decide if these ears belonged to an elf or a fairy.
In the end,  she  became the Woodland Fairy. 
I forgot to mention "fairy ears" when I was listing unusual things that I have crocheted yesterday. I am almost embarrassed to tell you how much time I spent trying to get the ears on this fairy just the way I wanted them, and then I covered most of them up with her hair. But, I like how they turned out. 
Thanks to everyone who entered!


  1. Congratulations to the winner! :)

  2. Congratulations to Lauren.

    And An, thanks for the opportunity to join in with your giveaway.
    I hope this is good English :-)

    Groetjes, Monique
