Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday Contest

It is Friday, so let's have a contest!
I will give one person their choice of any pdf pattern on my site, In addition, I will give them a copy of my "Double, Double, Toil and Trouble Doily" pattern, pictured above. I will select the winner at random, and send out the patterns in the morning (Saturday.) I will post the name of the winner here, so be sure to check back in the morning to see if you won. 
Also, if you post anonymously, please be sure I have a way to identify you (at least give your first name or a nick name in your comment; I have no way of knowing who is posting.)
To enter, just leave a comment answering this question: 
Have you ever become so frustrated (or confused, or fed up) with a crochet project that you just gave up on it? I have a friend (hi, Pamela!) who has actually cut doilies up with scissors when she got frustrated with them. 

This contest is now closed. 
Please check back next Friday for my weekly contest.


  1. I have gotten flustrated with a crochet project and laid it aside for as much as 2 years at one time. I can't say that my flustration has ever gotten to the level to do anything drastic, like throw it in the trash, or cut it up. I guess somewhere way back in the back of my mind I am telling myself that I will master it...but don't know when.
    Thanks, Linda/Lindacrochets

  2. I have thrown them in the garbage. I will never figure out some designers crochet lingo and don't want to. Too many other beautiful doilies waiting to be made.


  3. Oh yes, I have also. sometimes I try to come back at it with a fresh set of eyes, sometimes it doesn't work. I'll give it a good run and then call it a day..

  4. I happened to get a job sometimes not perfect, especially when the pattern is not as clear. I'm not giving up so easily and I prefer to unpack and do the same at distance of time.The crochet for me is a relax ...

  5. Yes I got frustrated when crocheting a doily that had the ice cream cone pattern around the edges. I tried numerous times to figure out the ice cream part of the pattern but finally gave up. I ended up using the thread in another pattern. One day I hope to go back and give it another try.

  6. I purchased some lovely vintage baby bonnet patterns online a couple of years ago, and tried to make one of the really intricate bonnets by following the meager instructions and the photo provided, but they didn't even remotely match! Needless to say, it was set aside and I really can't remember where I put it-- besides it came out big enough to fit an adult man! Lol

  7. Sometimes it does turn out the 2nd time around, but often it's just frogged or thrown out.

  8. I presently have a peacock doily that i've placed "on hold indefinitely" for the time being =\ It looked so pretty in the picture =)

  9. I'm new at making doilies far so good, but I have to relearn how to hold such small thread to keep a good tension on it :)

  10. YES. I get frustrated more than ones. I have an unfinished project that is waiting for over a year to get finished.

    Groetjes, Monique

  11. not really but i have put some aside to start again with a new eye for the pattern, I love to crochet even in my frustrations, Sherri

  12. How do we enter the contest?

  13. Just by leaving a comment, Momba; you are entered!

  14. I have gotten frustrated and given up on some things but usually if I take a break for a bit and then if there is a good picture to go by I can usually figure out what it's supposed to be or at least a reasonable alternative.
    I have found a few times where I've gotten frustrated and once I stepped away and came back with a clearer and calmer head I found that it was actually an error in the pattern.

  15. I don't know that I've gotten frustrated to the point of not finishing, but I certainly have altered projects if I hit a snag that I don't like or can't get to work right.

  16. I have gotten frustrated; however, I just put it to the side for a few days and then went back to it.
    P.S. I have threatened Pamela that I am going to take her scissors
    Cynthia A.

  17. Oh yes, I have gotten very frustrated with patterns. As a matter of fact, just yesterday! When a pattern gives me a headache and makes my head swim, I get very disgusted with it. What I ended up doing in this case was scan the doily photo that was in the magazine, and then I cropped the portion that I needed to see better. Printed that out, and kind of went by that as to what to do. I still don't think it's exactly as it's supposed to be, but that pattern was making me very anxious. I do not like that. When a pattern is all "do this, now this, next do this, and then do this, now you'll need to do this, turn and do this, that and the other thing again, now do that 3 times, this 2 times, etc." drives me nuts!! There, aren't you glad you asked? LOL But I am happy to say I am finishing the doily. I know it's not exactly as it's supposed to be, but it is going to suffice.

    Many yrs. ago I did get frustrated with a doily and tossed it in the garbage. Once I calmed myself down, I retrieved it and made my mind up that I *would* conquer it. Happy to report that I did. :) LOL

    Crocheting is supposed to be relaxing and fun. If it isn't, I'm not interested. ;)

  18. I get frustrated with poorly written patterns and that is where a good-quality picture comes in handy. Like many have said, sometimes you need to put it down and try again later. I'll have to admit that I don't have much patience, however. If I can't get it after a few tries, that's it, no more. I want to enjoy my crocheting! Janet

  19. Hello Ann

    a couple of years ago my daughter wanted a long crochet sweater and she picked the pattern. She picked the wool and the colour.
    It took weeks to complete.
    She just put it in her closet and she n e v e r wore it once. (it looked good on her). So
    I ended up frogging it and making
    something else with the wool.

    Happy crocheting

  20. Oh yes I have done that.. it is so bothersome but I had to frog it and try again and could not give up!

  21. Oh yes! I just gave up on one this week. Pulled the entire thing out and began a different doily. I am happy to say it is coming along very well. Crocheting should be enjoyable. We all like to be challenged at times, and mistakes do help us to learn but sometimes one has to just say enough is enough!

  22. I have been crocheting over 30 years now and I know that I have at one thing or other. Its all in the process of learning and one that I have learned is don't give up. Keep trying, it all works out in the end. It might take a while but it will work out.

  23. I have become frustrated with some patterns and will not touch them for a length of time, but come back again until I can figure it all out as I don't like to be beaten by a pattern. :)
