Sunday, April 01, 2012

New Trends In Crochet Fashion

I try to  keep my designs current and up to date, but sometimes it is hard to know just what will be the next big trend (like cowls and shrugs.) I have a few ideas I have been playing around with, and I would like to ask your opinion on them.
First, is a new scarf idea. Skinny scarves have been very popular lately, so I thought why not go all out and make the skinniest scarf in the world? I call this my 'Uber-Super Duper Skinny Scarf':
 Of course, it is not really very warm, but that is easily remedied. Just make it really long, and wrap it multiple times around your neck:
 This example is about 15' long.
And of course, Fingerless Gloves have been extremely popular for a while now. I thought about doing some toe-less socks, but found that people are already making them and calling them yoga socks. So, I came up with this idea:

 Glove-less Finger Covers. I think I will make  a little matching bag to carry them all in when you are not wearing them. What do you think?

And then, being a threadie, I am always looking for ways to use thread in my designs, even the wearables. Since I also love vintage, I thought, why not use a beautiful old doily as a bridal veil? Can't you just see a bride wearing something like this?
 Just imagine this attached to a lacy hat trimmed with delicate flowers!
 What do you think the groom would think if he saw his bride coming down the aisle wearing this?
But it might be a bit much for everyday wear, so I tried placing it like this:
 Doesn't it give her an air of mystery?
And for fun, you can place it even lower, and you have a cute but elegant crocheted beard, like the ones that were so popular last winter.

Well, there you have them. I would love to hear what you think about these ideas; which one do you think I should release first?
 Oh, and I forgot to mention, the most important thing you should know about these designs is:

April Fool!!!!!!!


  1. Oh gosh Ann, you are so creative!! I think these would be very big sellers too!!

    Lol, April Fools to you! You are too funny.

  2. Although these were an April Fool's joke, they just might catch on! Happy Sunday!

  3. LOL I don't know I thought the gloveless finger gloves were quite eye catching :) They kind of look like the old curlers my mom used to use LOL

    You made me smile today, thanks!!

  4. you had me in "stitches!" I almost fell for it,but then I am a jaded NYker,and not too many things get by me! I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your generosity and giving spirit..I have made several of your wonderful patterns,and hope to someday be able to crochet my first doily. I am not very good at math,and sometimes I get intimidated when I gaze upon such intricate and complex work,but you are such an inspiration,that I am getting closer to going through with it. Thank you
