Monday, August 01, 2011

Things I Love About Crochet

It has been a long hot summer, and I have been in a bit of a designing slump lately. Since I always prefer to focus on the positive, I thought I would do a few posts over the next few weeks on some of the  things I love the most about crochet.
Today, I want to talk about something that I don't see mentioned very often, but which I think is a very positive thing about crochet; the fact that it is a relatively inexpensive hobby.
Of course you can spend lots of money on expensive yarn if you want to, but it is not necessary. Good quality crochet thread can be purchased for less than 5 dollars a ball, and a ball usually contains anywhere from 3 to 4 hundred yards of thread. You can make many thread projects for less than 10 dollars in materials. There are also many good quality yarns available that are reasonably priced; there is no need to spend a lot of money on yarn unless you just want to.  And almost everyone has left-over yarn that can be used  to make granny squares or other scrap projects if you don't have the money to go out and buy new yarn.
Crochet hooks can be purchased very inexpensively, and will last a lifetime (if you don't loose them, which I have been known do!)

Most of the crocheters I know own large collections of crochet patterns, but if money is tight and you want a new design to work on, there are thousands of free patterns available on the Internet (of course, I hope everyone will treat themselves to a lovely new  BellaCrochet pattern now and then!)

In these tough economic times, I think the fact that you can enjoy crocheting without breaking the bank is a very positive thing, and one of the many  things I love about crochet.

What do you love about crochet?


  1. I totally agree I buy thread at used thrift stores and never pay more than 50 cents for them still in the original package. I get all kinds of colors this way that I cant buy at stores. I love to crochet and when I do want a pattern for thread yours is the first I look at and I have bought many from you. I just finished the bootie bouquet which I believe is one of yours...Happy crocheting...

  2. I just like the feel of the thread in my hand..It relaxes me, makes me happy. I like patterns. One can never have too many patterns..or thread for that matter..

  3. Definitely a great point. I spend a fortune on yarn because I like the good stuff but agree that you don't have to and if I couldn't afford to then I'd still be able to crochet with cheap yarn. And you really don't need much else!

  4. Olá ,
    Muito obrigada pelo carinho de sempre.
    Suas postagem são maravilhosas.
    Adoro passar por aqui e ver lindos trabalhos feitos com muito amor.
    Abraços com carinho, Beijinhoooosss

  5. great points and you are right not many people talk much about loving crochet and the low cost. also the many projects you can make and give as gifts saves a ton of $$$ over the holidays. :)

  6. I lie the fact thqt I can just pick it up and go . . . there is always some mindless pattern that I can work on . . so mindless that I can work on it while holding a conversation with someone . . always seems to impress people . . LOLOL

  7. I like crocheting doilies because of the symmetrical shape. It seems to give some order to my life. I think doilies are works of art. That's what I like about crochet.

  8. I agree with you. I was intimidated by thread for a long time until I felt that I could crochet with some knowledge. I crochet almost every day of my life now. I love it. The best thing I love is that all of my Christmas is handmade and no stressing about spending a bunch of money in crowded stores. :o)

  9. Wonderfully put--so true! I've been so excited to find some great deals lately, and it's been so nice to be able to create some wonderful gifts for friends for a relatively small amount of money!

    What I love is how diverse a few stitches can be. Such variety and creativity! Love it.
