Friday, April 01, 2011

An Exciting New Crochet Technique!

I am so excited to tell you about a new crochet technique I have developed. I think it is revolutionary! The wonderful thing about it is that you use TWO crochet hooks instead of just one, and the really amazing thing is that you work with the straight end of the hooks, instead of the hook end.

I am setting aside all my other designing projects in order to concentrate on this new technique. While I do not think it will ever be as popular as regular crochet, I think that with a little work,  it might catch on.

Oh, and the most important thing you need to know about this technique:

April Fool!


  1. Wow, that's amazing!!! I don't think I could make it. I'm having problems with just one needle.

  2. I'm laughing so hard, tears are streaming down my cheeks!!! Good one!

  3. You should have seen me making that little swatch yesterday. It took me over an hour; now that was really a joke!
    It is a good thing I crochet better than I knit!

  4. Loved it, loved it, loved it. You are very creativ not to mention humorous! Very funny.

  5. Love it! Which came first? Crochet or knitting? I think you just established the answer. Thanks for the chuckle!

  6. Ha Ha. :) Love Martha Winger's comment above mine!

  7. That's awesome! What an invention you have there--it'll be all the rage soon, I just know it!

  8. You made me LAUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. It was an April Fools joke, Margaret. I just did a swatch of knitting (not very well!) with a couple of crochet hooks.

  10. Too funny! You were my first April Fool's Day joke today. Want a little advice? Stick to crocheting; it is much faster. LOL

  11. I have knitted with 2 crochet hooks before!
