Monday, January 24, 2011

Sad News for Thread Crocheters

I was so sorry to hear last week that Elmore Pisgah, who makes my favorite size 10 thread, America's Best has been sold to a company in Canada, and will probably be shutting down. Here is the story:

They have the best range of colors I have found, including some that I use all the time (# 55 Lt. Green!)
On the bright side, they are having an inventory reduction sale right now! Every thing except Peaches and Cream is 50 % off.
I am going to stock up on their wonderful thread while I still can, and hope that I will be able to find another source for size 10 thread in such a beautiful range of colors.


  1. I have failed miserably with thread crochet. However, I am always sad to here of diminished resources.

  2. Sorry to hear this. I normally use Aunt Lydia's crochet thread. It works up softer than the other brands I have tried.

  3. I am hopingthe Peaches and Cream's LARGEST Buyer, WalMart, will put some pressure on them . . no one has as many beautiful cotton colors as they do :0{

  4. Oh no.......I don't like to hear that. I've been loving #10!

  5. Of all the threads I have used in the past; my absolute favorite thread in the world is Omega thread.
    I only know of 1 supplier of this wonderful thread though but the colors are WONDERFUL, the thread is tightly twisted which leads to a wonderful sheen on my finished product. Wash after wash the Omega line of thread holds up the best in my opinion and I have tried them all.

  6. I don't even know what thread crocheting is, but I feel like I should stock up on this kind of thread now.

    Especially if prices will be marked down.

    Thank you for the info.

  7. Thank you! I didn't know about this yarn at all though I'm mostly thread crocheter. I bought two beautiful colors. Can't wait to get them. Too bad they're closing.

  8. Rats! I had better get over to the site and stock up! I love their colors. Thanks for the info Ann.
