Saturday, September 04, 2010

Something New or Tried and True?

As a designer, I have my favorite stitches, techniques and ways of doing things.  I have  a collection of different roses, leaves and butterflies that I have used in several different designs. I also have my formulas for basic shapes (circles, squares, ovals) memorized. It makes life easier and projects turn out the way I envision them (usually!) Some of my favorite discoveries in the past have been the Eyelet Foundation, love knots and the sc shell stitch, all of which I now use regularly in my designs.
But sometimes, I just get in the mood to try something new. If I like it, I add to to my repertoire. If I don't, well then, that is the end of that! I know in order to keep my designs fresh, I need to add new elements to them. While I hope I have a distinctive style that my customers will recognize, I don't want my designs to get stale and predictable! And through the years, I have learned that just because something is complicated or hard to do doesn't mean it is good;  sometimes, the simplest things are the best.
Lately, I have been doing a lot of designs in sc ribbing stitch. Basically, you just work rows of sc stitches in the back loops only. But I love the texture of the fabric it creates. I love how it is so simple, yet gives such an elegant, sophisticated look to the finished design. I designed this Sweet and Simple Scarflette to be the gift pattern that will come with some of my new designs that will be released soon. It is so quick and easy to make that I was afraid it was too simple, so I added a little rose to go with it. I really like how it turned out, so versatile and sweet. I hope you like it too!

Update: The Sweet and Simple Scarflette pattern is now available for free here on the blog:
Sweet and Simple Scarflette


  1. Absolutely gorgeous. You are so right, pure simple elegance.

  2. Although I don't care for the rib stitch, your scarflette is so pretty, especially the flower. Well done!

  3. It is a beautiful scarf. Will the rose pattern come with the scarf pattern?

  4. Thank you Glor!
    I have known how to do this stitch for years, Ana Luisa,but I only recently fallen in love with it!
    Thank you, Pammy!Yes, the rose is included.

  5. Stunning........ Elegant plus. :))

  6. Good Morning! I found you through my Google Analytics! Your work is awesome!

  7. Lovely scarf! The flower is a perfect touch.

    I wonder if you'd share what a "sc shell stitch" is. I'm familiar with shells, just not one made with "sc"

    Thanks very much.

  8. Thanks, Jan!
    A "sc shell" is usually worked as: (sc, ch 3, sc) in st or ch sp indicated. Sometimes there is a ch-2 or ch-4 between the sc stitches instead of the ch-3.
    It makes a pretty, lacy crocheted fabric that drapes nicely.

  9. Hello Ann, it is a beautiful.


  11. This is a superlatively elegant design!! How clever you are. I will wait impatiently to get this when it comes out!

  12. Is this pattern available anywhere? It's GORGEOUS!
