Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cherokee Rose Tablecloth

Many years ago (about 1991) when my eyes were much better than they are now, I made a tablecloth. For some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to use size 20 thread and a size 10 hook. I spent a week charting out the design with a pencil on 4 sheets of graph paper that I had taped together. Then I spent the next 4 months crocheting it, working on it about 8 hours every day. At this time, I had 5 children and was expecting my 6th (and last, Bethany) so how I had the patience to do it I do not know.
I called it "Cherokee Rose" after the  roses that grew wild in the woods near my home. I sold the design to Annie's Attic and it was published in a book called "Keepsake Tablecloths." If I told you how much I was paid for the design, you would think I was crazy (it worked out to pennies per hour.) But I was very proud of it. I only used the tablecloth one time, when my daughter Robyn got married. Then I wrapped it up and packed it away.
Years later, when I was in the process of moving, someone stole the tablecloth along with some other items it was packed with. Why anyone would want to steal a tablecloth, I do not understand, but then again, I don't understand why anyone would steal anything.
But that is the story of my tablecloth. The end.


  1. What a most beautiful cloth. You talent is just amazing. But to think that someone would take this. I could only hope that one day it will be returned. But it certanly lives on in its publication. I would love to try this, I'll have to look for this book. Blessings.

  2. Your tablecloth is beautiful, sorry someone stole it. Thanks for sharing your story!

  3. Wow! What a sad story... Whats wrong with people? It is amazing tablecloth! All your work is amazing!

  4. What a stunning tablecloth it would be a heirloom and to have it stolen. Now that is a low thing to do!

  5. A Beautiful cloth, and talented lady.
    I am sorry it was stolen. 8 hours a day is amazing..

  6. A beautiful table but a sad story. Funnily enough, I started making a tablecloth around about the same time. I hope to post a blog (with photo) sometime next week.

  7. I made this lovely tablecloth! An absolutely gorgeous pattern! I feel privileged to hear you are the designer! and, am sorry you no longer have yours! It is a beauty!

  8. I am sorry for your loss, but you have put a very beautiful and devoted part of yourself out in the world. It will come back to you somehow!

  9. I read your story of your handmade crochet table cloth, it's just aweful, .... So now I have some questions; Is there a moral to your story, are you advising all, of something pertaining to its Theift, .... are you asking if any of us have the pattern, are you looking to replace your loss ?????

  10. Hi Rita,I was just sharing an experience, I don't guess there really is a moral to the story (other than don't leave precious items unattended when moving.) I have the pattern, but I doubt I will ever take the time to make another tablecloth, I don't really want to commit to such a large project at this point in my life. I purchased a crocheted tablecloth from Ebay, but I know I can never really truly replace the one I made.
