Friday, June 18, 2010

Crochet Obsession

When it comes to crochet,
I have to confess,
I have been accused
Of being obsessed.
Just one more stitch!
Just one more round!
I just can't seem to put my hook down.
What's that, Dear? You're hungry?
Yes, yes, Dear, I know,
Just, please, let me finish
This one last row.
What did you say, Dear?
You're ready for bed?
My doily's almost finished;
You go on ahead!
What? The house is on fire?
Alright, I'm on my way,
But first let me gather
All my books on crochet.
And my yarn and my hooks
And my WIP's and......
Oh dear!!!!
So, tell me St. Peter,
Are there any crochet groups up here?
Copyright Elizabeth Ann White 2010


  1. Love it, Ann,I am right there with you, LOL

  2. Thank you, Jewel, I know I am in good company!

  3. So true, not enough hours in the day!

  4. I agree, Barb! There's never enough time to get everything I want to make finished!

  5. beatifull obsession!!! Tienes una buena creatividad y a veces quieres terminar y te interrumpen... Pero sigues y sigues tejiendo.

  6. Thanks for posting this poem! This is why I have so many WIPs lol

  7. You are clever Anne, I love the poems.
    Hugs Suex

  8. I really enjoyed your post. First time here and it is lovely.

  9. Thank you all so much!
    I love to write poetry, and while I know I am not Emily Dickinson, I enjoy it.
