Sunday, May 02, 2010

Patterns in other Languages

I have been thinking of having some of my patterns translated into other languages. Is this something any of you would be interested in? If so, what languages would you prefer?
I wish I had the ability to have them charted out into symbol crochet, but I do not have the skills, knowledge or software to do this. Do any of you have any ideas?
Please vote on the poll, or leave me a comment if you have any input. You can also write me at:
Thank you for any help you can give!


  1. I know a lot of my friends are limited in the patterns that they can do because they can do the symbol crochet but can't read patterns. They would love to see more symbol patterns. I can do both so either way is ok with me.

  2. Well, I'm a swedish crocheter and i've learned the english crochet terms a year ago. So for me it's no problem to crochet using english patterns, but I do have some friends who can't so a swedish translation wouldn't be bad. Hugs from Lina(Sweden)

  3. I can do both written and symbol but don't know enough of other languages to be able to help out. I prefer symbol crochet or just looking at a doily (in person) and figuring the pattern out from it.

  4. I love your crochet patterns. I do understand english patterns - but I often help others in Germany to understand english patterns. So if you could translate your patterns in German that would make a lot of germans happy ;-) - if you like I could help you translate them.

    LG Sandra

  5. I just discovered your blog and became a follower. For the moment I am only able to understand dutch and italian descriptions. Translation-method would be a good thing, I believe.
