Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday Contest and Letting Go

I was blocking a new doily yesterday, and as I was pinning out the picots on the last round, I realized that I had made an error by not adding one of the picots (there are several dozen on the last round.)
I made myself a rule years ago, that if I make an error in a design, I immediately rip it out instead of just fretting about it. "Well, at least it is on the last round," I thought as I started to remove the doily from the blocking board.
But for some reason I stopped. It was one tiny picot, and it was in a spot where it was not noticeable unless you were looking for it. I doubt anyone is ever going to pick up this doily and count the picots, and even if they did, they wouldn't know how many there should be. So, I decided for once in my life, I was going to just let it go. I finished blocking it, without adding the picot.
But, I have to admit, from now on, every time I look at that doily I am going to think about that missing picot.
But it is Friday, so let's have a contest!  I will give one person their choice of any PDF pattern on my site, or  my Etsy shop bellacrochetEtsy
I will select the winner at random, and send out the patterns in the morning (Saturday.) I will post the name of the winner here, so be sure to check back in the morning to see if you won. If I do not hear back from the winner within 7 days, I will select a new winner. Failure to contact me will result in the forfeiture of all prizes. 
Also, if you post anonymously, please be sure I have a way to identify you (at least give your first name or a nick name in your comment; I have no way of knowing who is posting.) You can also leave your email address with your comment so I can notify you if you win, but this is optional. 
To enter, just leave a comment answering this question: 
Do you rip out when you find a mistake in your crocheting, or do you just let it go?

This contest is now closed. Please stop by again soon!


  1. depends on how far i have gotten on the pattern, if it's noticeable or affects how the pattern is supposed to most cases i rip out because most of the items i make are wearable and any missed step will made a difference.

    Rebecca Kilby

  2. I rip out. The reason I rip out is because, once upon a time, I left a mistake that I didn't see until I was blocking the doily, and just couldn't bring myself to tear it all up to fix it. Now, every time I see that doily, I am sorry I did not correct the error, and I NEVER display that doily. That is a shame, since the doily was, and still is, one of my favorites. Ah well, live and learn, eh?

  3. sometimes, but it makes everything more personal, more one of a kind. Well that's what I tell myself and others lol, but it is true.
    I rip if it puts things out, if it hurts the design or the way it is supposed to hang.

  4. Depends on the pattern. Thread crochet always seems to show mistakes up but wool appears to be more forgiving so far. I'm somewhat new to crochet altogether so I've spent a fair amount of time frogging projects.

    Overall I tend to open rather than not.

  5. I always frog it back to the mistake, I can't stand it. I guess I have OCD or something and it won't let me leave a mistake I find LOL


  6. Most of the time I rip it out and fix it. But if it won't be too noticeable, like your picot, and I've gotten pretty far in the pattern, I'll leave it. But I will still think about it every time I look at the piece!

  7. I usually rip out and do over. If I know there is a mistake, I feel like I didn't do my best!

  8. I usually rip it out. My little voice goes off that the mistake is too obvious.
    Jere Ortlieb

  9. I will go back and rip it out.

  10. Let it go! Now, I'll be singing that stupid song the rest of the day! I have made mistakes before but only I know.

  11. It depends. Sometimes a little mistake can be overlooked. Other times there's just no way to continue without correcting the mistake. On larger projects, like my oval pineapple tablecloth, I've taken to cutting and ripping just enough to be able to hide the ends, correcting, and then continuing. After all, on a large tablecloth, who's going to see that correction if you take the time to hide the ends?

  12. I have to rip it out, or else it will always bother me. :)

  13. 99% of the time I rip out a mistake because it just irritates me too much knowing that it's there!

  14. I fix it, but my mother showed me a way to fix a missed or screwed up stitch with out having to rip out the entire row. That is especially good to know because sometimes the mistake is like 3 rows down. I very seldom rip a row out. Have an awesome weekend

  15. It depends on what it is, but most of the time I rip it out.

  16. It all depends. If it's quite noticeable I'll try to fix it, and if that doesn't work, I'll rip it out. If it's something only I can see, by having to look hard for it myself, I'll usually leave well enough alone.

  17. I definitely rip/frog the mistake. It would drive me crazy if I left it in the piece. Also, every time that I looked at the piece, it would remind me of the mistake.
    Cynthia A.

  18. If it is a very small mistake, I usually don't rip it out. If it is really noticeable, it would bother me and I would just have to correct it. People who don't crochet would never notice it when looking at your handwork though. You create beautiful masterpiece doilies and I enjoy seeing pictures of your work. Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you, Susan N. (AL)

  19. If I don't rip it out I'm like you and will fret about it every time I look at it. But I do admit to a few attempts at creative cover-ups-- a little weaving here and there does sometimes hide it.

  20. I always rip it out because I afraid that my further round may not be look perfect.
