Friday, November 09, 2012

Friday Contest; Win It Before You Can Buy It

It is Friday, so let's have a contest!
I will give one person their choice of any pdf pattern on my site, In addition, I will give them a copy of my "Angel of Thanksgiving Doily" pattern, pictured above. This pattern will be available for purchase on my website,, soon. 
I will select the winner at random, and send out the patterns in the morning (Saturday.) I will post the name of the winner here, so be sure to check back in the morning to see if you won. 

Also, if you post anonymously, please be sure I have a way to identify you (at least give your first name or a nick name in your comment; I have no way of knowing who is posting.)
To enter, just leave a comment answering this question: 
What is one thing you are thankful for today?

This contest is now closed. 
Please check back next Friday for my weekly contest.


  1. i am thankful to my great grandma who taught me to crochet so i can now create some beautiful work for friends and family

  2. I am thankful for my husband who indulges my crochet habit. He puts up with me when I find a new pattern I want or the thread that is taking over the house...even though I have so much I still have to buy that new color or size and he will even help me pick out just the right color. And when I am not sure that a pattern is turning out right he lets me pick his brain to make sure it is just right. He even helps me make sure the colors I have picked really do go together.

  3. I am thankful for my family and my heritage.

    Gayle Porter

  4. I am grateful to my husband with his job allows me to be a housewife. Once the chores I can manage my free time dedicating myself to the thing I love most: working to crochet!

  5. I am grateful for my husband of 30 years who is the love of my life and understands me better than anyone else. He is the best husband a woman could ask for. He is there for me no matter what. Also thankful for my kids who have grown up to be the most loving, and caring kids in the world. I am so proud of them.


  6. I'm thankful my mom is home from the hospital.


  7. I am thankful for a grandmother who taught me to crochet at age 9. I am also thankful for two daughters who loved wearing what I crocheted for them while they were little and in high school!

  8. I am thankful for my health.


  9. I am thankful to know that I am a Daughter of God and that I am important to him. I am also thankful that He has given me talents to share with others and that they share theirs with me.

  10. I am Soooo thankful for my big beautiful and wacky family!

  11. I am thankful for my husband and my kids...we have had many hurdles in life, but together we have gone through them and come out even stronger and closer together...

  12. Oh my Gosh you continue to amaze mein your creativity and style. This is just beautiful and a treasure for whomever wins it.

  13. I am thankful for my husband and my kids...we have had many hurdles in life, but together we have gone through them and come out even stronger and closer together

  14. I am thankful that my 97-year-old mother is still in my life. A year ago she found out she has breast cancer, but she never complains and continues to live on her own. She is an amazing woman with a very strong faith. My greatest wish is to be more like her.

    Judy W.
    Hampstead, MD

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I am thankful for a family who cares about me and for my fantastic hubby who holds my hand each day and tells me I'm his best friend!

  17. I'm thankful for my family and my best friend.

  18. I am thankful to be alive and to have a grandson & Hubby that believes so much in me & that love me unconditionally and tells me this every day.


  19. I am thankful for my family, especially my husband! He is my strength and my support and I don't know what I would do without him :)

  20. I'm thankful that my daughter has found a Godly man who loves her and wants nothing more than to marry her in April, take care & cherish her and any children they may have in the future.

  21. Today Im thankful for you, because you are so talented to designing what I could only dream of designing. I just love your Thanksgiving Angel.

  22. I am very thankful to be alive, no
    matter what happens.


  23. Firstly, I am thankful for my loved ones too and that we are healthy and safe! Thank you!

  24. I am thankful for my husband and our pups i dont know what i would do without them!!!

  25. I'm thankful that in this economy, my husband still has a job, and we still have our home. I'm thankful for 2 healthy teenage boys! I'm also thankful that I can find ways to save money to continue to purchase supplies for my crafts!!!

  26. I am thankful to not want for anything.
    My health isn't the greatest, money is in very short supply, but really, there is nothing that I need that I don't have or am able to get.
    My Mom and I volunteered this morning packing 40,000 meals (mac and cheese) for kids in the U.S. who go to bed hungry and also to send to the areas hit by hurricane Sandy. We might not have everything we want but it puts things in perspective if you take a step back and realize the difference between want and need.

  27. Today, as well as every other day, I am thankful for all of God's blessings in my life. And there are so many...<3

  28. Laurie Locey ( Nov 09, 01:52:00 PM CST

    I'm thankful for this beautiful Texas weather God has given us today. But since you said to list just one, I won't go on with more.

  29. I am thankful for being alive since I am fighting breast cancer. I am thankful for my husband who takes care of me. I Thank God for keeping me alive. I am also thankful for my mother (who passed away 3 years ago) who taught me how to crochet at a young age.

    I would love to win the new pattern with the little Turkey on it! Angel of Thanksgiving.


  30. I am sorry I just re-read your question and you only wanted 1 thing you are thankful for. That 1 thing would then be that I am alive and I thank God for that every day.

    Thank you, I hope to win the patterns; I love your designs!


  31. My entire family. Each one of them has given me a reason to be thankful.
    Cynthia A.

    By the way Ann, this is a beautiful pattern! I am sure all of us are thankful for you for holding these contests and giving us a chance to win your patterns.

  32. I am thankful for having a God who listens and answers my prayers always.

  33. I love the little turkey! Its so cute and adorable. I love it! Its beautiful

  34. I am so grateful for my family and this life I have to share with them. I love the little turkey! Its so cute and adorable. I love it! Its beautiful! I posted the previous anonymous comment but accidently hit submit before I was finished, I dont know how to delete it. My name is Michelle

  35. I am thankful for my husband. He works hard all week as a truck driver yet he still comes home to help me with things around the house because I am disabled. He never complains or gives me a hard time about what he has to do. He is a wonderful man.

  36. I am thankful for my family and the Blessing the Lord has given me!

  37. So many things, but to pick one I'll have to say my grandbaby who is due in December. Dd had a miscarriage last Dec., and we are so thankful that this pregnancy has been progressing nicely. :)

  38. I am thankful for a wonderful husband who has stood behind me 110%! I quit my job in 2002 to attend college full time and become a teacher. Did I mention I was 50 at the time? He was terrifically supportive and I could not have accomplished earning 2 degrees without him cheering me on.
