Monday, August 23, 2010

Black Widow

This is the gift doily that will come with the purchase of 'Double, Double, Toil and Trouble.'  I love the 'spider web' design, but have not used it much in the past. It reminds me of Elizabeth Hiddleson, who used it a lot in her designs.
I realized when writing the pattern that spider webs are actually harder to write than pineapple patterns; or maybe I am just used to writing pineapple patterns.
Anyway, I like how it turned out, and I hope you do, too.


  1. It's so generous of you to include free patterns. Your designs are so unique and I wish I could buy all them!

  2. wow, stunning! I'm still surprised at how lovely doilies look in black....he he.. :D

  3. Olá , tudo bem poderia me enviar o gráfico desta toalhinha ela é simplesmente linda. Obrigada. Bya. -

  4. Hola soy Erica i escribo desde Argentina, me encanto tu diseño, como puedo hacer para acceder al patron. gracias.
