Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Little Crocheted Cottages

I love crocheting little cottages; one of the first "big" projects I ever made was a cottage from a pattern in an old Better Homes and Gardens magazine. It was made of dozens of little crocheted pieces that were supposed to be attached to  a plastic canvas frame, but my husband used the pc pattern to cut out a frame from plywood.  I  covered the plywood with muslin, and then sewed the crocheted pieces to it.
Through the years, I have designed several little cottages myself.

This is a set I designed for Annie's Attic back in the 90's.
And this is my English Country Cottage Cozy. I love the little kitty! 
And this is my Sweetheart Cottage. It is one of the "Grandmama's Favorite Decorative Potholders and Hot Pads" set.
I am planning to design another cottage for Christmas; it will be a gingerbread house, of course. I think it would be fun to make Hansel and Gretel and an old witch to go with it. I hope to have it ready this year, but if not, then there is always the next!

(and is anyone else having trouble posting to blogger lately? I have struggled for almost an hour just to get 3 pictures and this post to look right!)


  1. Beautiful pictures and projects. I keep thinking I want to try one, but still lack the confidence. I was thinking about trying a house tissue box and avoiding the need for a support system.

  2. Hi Ann

    I have this book, English cottage Kitchen. I am finding that I have several of your pattern books from AA, and I have enjoyed making your patterns for several years.

  3. Your little cottages are just adorable! I cant wait to see the Gingerbread House! My entire house in decorated with Gingerbread at Christmas time! My poor husband got me started with one cute Gingie ornament 20 years ago!!

  4. wow, what a nice cottage ;-)
    Never seen anything like it in Germany, but I love the one you designed :-)

  5. Hi,

    A ? Pattern Help.....for the walls... how many do I chain initially? and then 3 dc 38......
    what am I missing? or am I mis reading?

    also....I have put your button on my blog with a link to your special place. thanks for the help.


  6. Faith, the walls begin with an eyelet foundation, not a traditional starting chain. I have a free tutorial on this on my site here: http://www.bellacrochet.com/index.php?main_page=document_product_info&cPath=5&products_id=17&zenid=v2odga6389hrdl23pmh3sa91m3
    and I also did a post here on the blog about it a while back:
    The picture under Rnd 1 of the Walls is showing how it is done; I hope this helps!

  7. Thanks Ann, worked like a charm. I was mis reading the directions. Thank you for your quick pattern help response.

  8. This post is so interesting.
    You show such beautiful work.
    I crocheted a cottage over a tissue box, but not as good as yours! So pretty. I also love Gingerbread and made one from felt years ago along with Gingerbread swags etc.,
    Thanks very much,

  9. Oh my gosh Ann I love the little cottages I cant wait to make one. Have a great day
