Friday, November 14, 2008

New Designs

I have been so busy the last couple of months! Thankfully, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am shipping out patterns for 4 new designs that will be in the next Annie's Attic Catalog. I am also finishing up the doily set pictured here (at least all the pieces are done, I still have to put them together and block them). It is a set of pineapple doilies, all of which have butterflies and Irish Roses incorporated into the design. I'm not sure yet if this will be a AA patern book or if I will self publish them.

This is my "Flower Garden Fairy Doily." I am going to frame her.

Here is my "Country Cottage Cozy." It is meant to be used as a tea cozy or to cover a cookie jar. I just think it is cute, no matter what you cover with it! I love the little kitty cat!

Here is my beautiful granddaughter, Devin, modeling my " Quick and Easy Serape." It is super easy, even for beginners.
And here is Devin in my "Easy Stitch Cape." It is so sweet and feminine, just a light, lacy touch of warmth.

Here is the Capelet version, which has crocheted roses at the closure. It is much more popular with the younger set.
It is always a relief to get a design out the door. But I am always ready to get started on the next project. After the pineapple doilies, I want to do a set of vintage look thread potholders.


  1. I love your Flower Garden Fairy. And the serape that your beautiful granddaughter is wearing looks so do the capes.

    I am looking forward to seeing more of your awesome work.

  2. I love the Flower Garden Fairy. She is beautiful. You also have a beautiful granddaughter modeling the serape, etc.

    Looking forward to seeing more of your work.


  3. cute did you ever get your granddaughter to model it? mine would just die if they thought someone they knew might see it! Look forward to seeing more.
